The second was of the elevator

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La segunda era del ascensor

The assistants to the World-wide Fair of 1854 in New York spent a fright. When heaving the gaze, found with a man on a metallic platform, to more than ten metres on the soil, subject only with a rope. 

Dramatically, the man asked to an assistant that cut the rope. And, for surprise of all, the platform only yielded some centimetres. Elisha Otis had showed the operation of the first elevator of security, and given origin to a company —splits of the conglomerate United Technologies— that is today the main manufacturer of elevators of the world.

“Very few companies can say that they have invented something and spend more than 150 years at the head of the market”, considers the president of the company, Philippe Delpech (France, 1962). The products of the company are presents from the Tower Eiffel (where mounted his first elevator in 1910) to the tallest edifice of the world, the Burj Khalifa of Dubai. In 2015, the sales of Otis surpassed the 11.000 million dollars, and closed the exercise with a profit of 2.348 millions. “In brief go to maintain two million elevators all over the world, that spend 2.000 million people to the day”.

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